
Trademark law

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Our expertise

In an ever-changing competitive environment, brand protection brand protection is an essential strategic lever for any company wishing to secure its identity and strengthen its market presence. For over 20 yearsour firm has been helping companies to manage management and defense of their intellectual property assetsassets, providing them with legal solutions tailored to the challenges of trademark law.

Strategic support for startups and innovative companies

Visit startups and fast-growing companies face specific challenges in protecting their brands. In saturated markets where competition competition, l'registering and securing brands right from the start. Our team of specialized attorneys will guide you through the key stages :

An International Vision of Intellectual Property

International expansion makes brand management brand management in multiple jurisdictions. We support our customers in developing coherent strategies adapted to each marketensuring optimum protection against the risks ofusurpation or cross-border disputes.

Our aim is toensure the sustainability and value of your intangible assetsby offering you tailored legal supportin line with your strategic development.

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33 rue Daru, 75008 Paris, France

Tel: +33(0)1 56 69 12 69